Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Kadin!!!

2 years ago today I was still pregnant with my little Kadin. In fact I was 5 days late and still pregnant with my little Kadin. I woke up in the morning and begged Kevin not to go to work. I desperately needed a break from my big belly but since that wasn't coming I really wanted to go to MOPS by myself. I didn't want to have to bend over and tie the kids shoes or buckle them in the car seats.

My darling husband called in for work and off I went to MOPS (with occasional contraction's). I kept thinking...5 days late...this could go on for days...this child is never coming out! Little did I know that I would start labor while sitting at my MOPS table. I sat down at about 9:30 in the morning and the contraction quickly became regular and about 5 minutes apart. I enjoyed wonderful conversation for the next 2 hours. Then I went to the car and called my husband to tell him that we were going to have a baby today and my mom to come and watch the kids. I started the car to drive home and real labor began. Painful labor. I had about a 15 minute drive home and I didn't know if I could make it. Twice I was stopped as the lead car for road construction. Riving in pain and tears streaming down my face I waited until the "stop" sign turned to "slow". I would love to know what those flaggers were thinking. They kept starring at me that that look that says...what is wrong with her?

We made it to the hospital at about 1:oo and our little baby was in our arms less then 2 hours later. Without an epidural!! (which I would never recommend)....

IT'S A BOY!!! Kadin James Currey came into our lives at 2:51 pm on November 14, 2006 weighing 8 pounds 10 ounces.

Wow, what beautiful little boy. Austin and Emma loved him instantly and continuously fought over who could hold him all day long.


The Earnhardt Family said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KADIN!!! I remember that day! I remember Karen calling me when we all got home from MOPS saying that you had been in labor while we were all at MOPS (and you just talked right thru it!). You're so crazy :-) That's why we love ya!

Anywho, Kadin sure is advanced in his motor skills! Which I know you are SO thankful for ;-D He's a counter-climbin', pantry-hidin', shelf-scalin' kid! Hey - Maybe he's Spiderman trapped in a two year old's body!!! :-D

The Finnestad Family said...

What? YOUR kids would fight over who got to hold him? No way! ;) I can still remember that day that you crazily drove yourself home. You are either a very strong woman or a nut....I'm thinking it's a little of both! Happy Birthday to Kadin!

The Earnhardt Family said...

Happy Birthday Kadin. We look forward to celebrating with you tomorrow.

Munson Family Vaues said...

And I can remember being extremely jealous. I still had two weeks left to go.